
Arm Lift

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Arm Lift in Nashville, TN

臂膀成形术通常被推荐用于上臂因体重减轻而皮肤松弛的患者, genetics, or aging. Also referred to as an arm lift, this treatment is one of the many post-bariatric cosmetic surgeries we offer at The Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville. Brachioplasty is often combined with liposuction or a body lift.

Brachioplasty Surgery

在治疗过程中,通常从肘部到腋窝处做一个切口. Excess skin, fat, and tissue is then removed. Although some scarring will always be visible, 外科医生将把疤痕放在手臂内侧最不显眼的位置. After surgery, 将上臂包裹或放入压缩套筒中,以帮助减少术后肿胀.

你的外科医生可能会推荐的另一个手术是上臂和腋窝吸脂. 对于一些皮肤质量较好的患者,单独吸脂可以满足他们的需要. In addition, 这个手术可以减少上臂下边缘的多余脂肪. Schedule a virtual consultation with our surgeons to discuss the best treatment options for you. 

Meet the Doctors

了解我们的委员会认证的整形外科医生,以及为什么你应该选择两个RealSelf 500奖得主为您的下一个程序!

Meet the Doctors

了解我们的委员会认证的整形外科医生,以及为什么你应该选择两个RealSelf 500奖得主为您的下一个程序!

Arm Lift Candidates

Typical Brachioplasty candidates include:

  • Adults whose weight is stable and are not significantly overweight
  • Nonsmokers
  • Adults with significant upper arm skin laxity
  • 没有可能影响愈合或增加手术风险的医疗状况的健康成年人
  • Those who have a positive outlook with realistic expectations

Arm Lift Benefits

Smoother, tighter arms will result from brachioplasty. While your results will be apparent almost instantly after surgery, they will be hidden by swelling and bruising, and there may be scarring at the incision site.  

Arm Lift Recovery

你恢复的时间取决于手术的程度和其他因素. 我们会在会诊时详细介绍你的术后恢复情况. 一般来说,作为一个孤立的过程,你可以在一周内返回工作岗位. 患者应避免剧烈活动和心率或血压升高至少两周. As a procedure often combined with other operations, your recovery plan will be tailored to your needs.

Potential Risks

你恢复的时间取决于手术的程度和其他因素. 我们会在会诊时详细介绍你的术后恢复情况. 一般来说,作为一个孤立的过程,你可以在一周内返回工作岗位. 患者应避免剧烈活动和心率或血压升高至少两周. Arm lift surgery is often combined with other procedures, and your recovery plan will be tailored to your needs.

Schedule a Consultation

准备好预约我们的认证整形外科医生了? 今天博天堂旗舰版,安排您的咨询,开始您的审美之旅!

Choosing a Plastic Surgeon for Your Nashville Arm Lift

Brachioplasty involves multiple choices. 最重要的是选择一名经过认证的整形外科医生来做手术. At Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville, we have two. 不仅有两位经过认证的整形外科医生,还有两位在全国范围内被认为是该领域顶尖的医生.

Learn More About Arm Lift Surgery

想了解更多博天堂旗舰版纳什维尔的举臂手术,请联系纳什维尔整形外科中心. 我们致力于通过帮助您解锁您的面部外观和博天堂旗舰版轮廓的美丽,实现您的美容目标的梦想. Dr. Melinda Haws and Dr. Mary Gingrass 是否会通过富有同情心和有效的医疗护理帮助你保持最佳状态. 

Arm Lift Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Arm lift surgery, also known as brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to remove extra upper arm fat, skin, and tissue, resulting in tightened, toned, and better-proportioned upper arms. 主要受益于这种手术的患者包括那些体重大幅下降的人, either due to bariatric surgery, or diet and exercise, or patients with lax and loose skin of the upper arms in general. Arm lift surgery is often combined with liposuction or a body lift for additional aesthetic benefit.

  • Need to remove excess fat, skin, 通过胃旁路手术或饮食和运动减肥后形成的组织.
  • Seek to improve the contour of your arm.
  • Need to remove the skin of the arms impacted by stretch marks.
  • Remove the “batwing” appearance of your arms.
  • Remove excess skin of your arms and the sides of the chest.

纳什维尔整形外科中心的医生在病人全身麻醉和睡眠的情况下,在1-3小时内完成手术. 你通常可以在手术当天回家,除非你有医学上的原因需要过夜观察.

手术是通过上臂内侧的切口进行的, 医生会小心地放置切口,这样就不会看到手臂向下的疤痕. 在可能的情况下,切口可以完全隐藏在腋窝区域. Sometimes before placing incisions, 手臂抽脂是为了更好地塑造你的手臂轮廓.

Upon completion of your operation in 1-3 hours, 将在您的手臂周围放置绷带,以提供支持,并尽量减少手臂的运动和任何不适. Some pain may be associated with the surgery, and this is usually controlled well with pain medications.

Upon discharge, 离开时,医生会给你开一些必要的止痛药和抗生素,这些药物需要服用几天,以减少感染的机会. Sutures will be removed in about 7-10 days, and you will go home with two tube drains, one in each arm. These will be removed within 3-5 five days. Immediately following surgery, 你应该避免将手臂举过肩膀,并且应该能够在大约两周内恢复正常活动. 然而,最好在几个月内避免举重和剧烈运动.

患者被鼓励在手术前后几周内不要吸烟. 你应该避免开车至少一个星期,或者直到你能舒服地移动你的手臂,不再服用麻醉止痛药.

如果你有上述任何一个问题,并且总体上足够好,可以接受手术,那么你可能是肱成形术的候选人. Click here if you’d like to email us with any questions or concerns.

The cost of your arm lift will depend on a variety of factors, including the scope of the procedure, anesthesia and surgical fees, etc. 在我们的专家对您进行评估后,我们将很乐意为您提供一份成本细目表.